Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shocked and Apalled

I really should be sleeping but I can't get my mind of of the last thing I did at school today. I'm doing my mental health rotation, and today I was with the mobile crisis ten of oak ridge.

There want really anything going on, and you can't schedule a crisis so I spent some time going through old call sheets. They keep a record of every call they receive, and I saw that a lot of calls are for people seeking drug and alcohol rehab. most of the records show that the client was advised to go to the ER to be evaluated so I asked the team what kind of treatment options are out there.

There are very few places that most people would consider 'rehab.' Most programs are a few days in the hospital to stabilize clients and then they are discharged and expected to do out patient treatment.

There are NO rehab programs available for meth. As big a problem that the hillbilly heroin is, if you get on it, there is no help if you want to get off of it. I was horrified.

I just needed to take a minute to get that out because it had been bothering me ever since I heard it.

What do you guys think?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Genetic Engineering and Eugenics in Modern Obstetrics

An important topic for discussion for any nurse considering women’s health nursing is genetic engineering and eugenics.  Many people may choose to ignore the reality of this topic, citing religious beliefs. However, science and technology is rapidly approaching a time when many things that were once considered science fiction are becoming a reality. The modern obstetrical nurse needs to be prepared to face these issues when she enters the work force.
            Science is taking us farther every day, and it is far from finished with the journey.  A medical fact that is discussed in doctor’s offices far more than we probably realize is genetic engineering.  The subject matter can be presented in several lights.  It can be as unimpeachable as checking the genetic markers in a fetus for their likelihood of developing Huntington’s disease or as blatant as designing one’s own child right down to their eye color.  
BBC News reports about a six year old boy who had a rare and serious illness.  Neither his parents nor his younger sister were a good enough genetic match for treating his disorder with a bone marrow transplant, so they made a sibling who was a good match.  His parents made a match for him.  That’s right; they just threw together the scientific magic and test tube mixing that created a baby specifically to be a donor child for their ill son. 
            Even the most open minded individuals can be caught off guard when confronted with the realities of modern genetic engineering. It is not something that we often think of, but society as a whole is moving towards the acceptance of it. There are references to genetic engineering in ObamaCare in as much as using eugenics for its cost savings benefits.  It is a valid point.  Think about this:  they are weighing the cost effectiveness of determining in utero whether a person will make a productive adult or be dependent their entire lives.
            An article in Forbes suggests that science will never be able to write the complete genetic code from the ground up, but the Human Genome Project is making progress every day.  There are plenty of scientists and ethicists who claim that eugenics and gene therapy is and is not moral and/or ethical.  There are pamphlets available to anyone who cares to see about how exactly cloning, genetic engineering and stem cell harvesting can be done and how it can benefit an ailing family.  One can assume that as your bank account grows, so too do your options for creating the perfect little family and the pamphlets for gene therapy may be stacked right alongside the ones for STIs and planned parenthood.  Eugenics does bring a whole new connotation to “planned parenthood” doesn’t it?
            Simple eugenics is already in action in our town, in the offices of every obstetrician in practice when we test fetuses for Down’s Syndrome, or view an ultrasound and make the decision to abort a fetus that has severe congenital anomalies. Human kind is already benefitting from this, and can benefit further if we can prevent diseases such as Tay-Sach’s, Sickle Cell Anemia, and Cystic Fibrosis.  We must recognize that these are not the only implications and sometimes we will be hard pressed to maintain our composure and keep our opinions to ourselves.  It will become part of the essence of professional nursing care to recognize elective surgeries and procedures no matter what form they come in and carry out our duties to our clients.
            This topic was not intended to pit one side against the other, or to vilify anyone; merely to raise the issue that as professionals we will be providing care for these women and their babies.  We owe it to our clients and ourselves to stay apprised of advances in medicine that make it more and more likely that we will encounter this.  We cannot hide from technology, but we can embrace it and enrich ourselves and the lives of our clients if we are better educated.

(2010). Disease Elimination. Future Human Evolution.  Retrieved from http://www.humansfuture.org/genetic_engineering_disease_elimination.php.htm
(2010). Eugenics, Genetic Engineering Lite. Future Human Evolution.  Retrieved from http://www.humansfuture.org/genetic_engineering_eugenics.php.htm
Brochures for Patients: Human Cloning and Genetic Modification. Association of Reproductive Health Professionals. Retrieved from http://www.arhp.org/publications-and-resources/patient-resources/printed-materials/cloning
Knapp, Alex. (September 15, 2011). Is Ethical Human Genetic Enhancement Possible.  Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2011/09/15/is-ethical-human-genetic-enhancement-possible/
Taranto, James. (March 15, 2010). ObamaCare and Eugenics.  The Wall Street Journal.  Retrieved from http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703909804575123590196012672.html
Walsh, Fergus. (October 20, 2004). Brother’s tissue ‘cures’ sick boy.  BBC News. Retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3756556.stm
Wilcken, B. (September 27, 2011). Ethical issues in genetics. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 47(9), 668-671. Doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2011.02168.x Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1440-1754.2011.02168.x/full

Monday, January 16, 2012

Thought provoking

So I am coming off of a stomach bug that may or may not have been the cause of my three day migraine from hell last week. I felt awful, I couldn't get anything done and I felt like a narcoleptic in class.  It sucked. I am however, thankful to be more back to my old self today.  I still have some residual nausea, but I am able to think and concentrate.

That sure does make it easier to study and make progress on projects for school.

So the current project that I am up to is a research paper for Obstetrics.  I don't really know that I could count it as a research paper since it is only supposed to be two pages long, but it is on current trends in modern obstetrics.  There are several suggestions that we can use, or we can come up with our own, and leave it to me to come up with something controversial and, I think, thought provoking.

I am sure that it will do it's fair share of pissing people off and making them call me all sorts of names. It's ok, I can take it, at least I will make people think.  I think that once I'm finished with the paper, I'll post it here for who ever is interested to read.

The topic I have chosen is "Genetic Engineering and Eugenics in Modern Obstetrics."

Hehehe, what do you think?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Any HTC geniuses listening?

I can't get my phone to sync, still, and it's making me nuts.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Totally frustrated!

So Raven and I got some spiffy new phones on black Friday. I love my phone. It's the first one I've ever had that was Android. However, I'm having trouble with sync. I have my brain in my calendar and I can't get freaking google Cal to sync. I can put stuff on the phone and it never shows up on the net and vice versa. I can't even get it to connect to my computer. This is getting being annoying...

Part picture point of google calendar was so that Raven and I could see the other one's schedule and not have to constantly update our remind or something. Good grief!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good things

So, a friends has given me the suggestion that each day I should write something good about me and something good about someone else.

I am waaay too tired to get into why right now but I will go ahead and start this today.

Me: today I made a classmate smile because I made a point to tell her about observing Hogmanay. She's Scottish and I knew she'd get a kick out of it.

Other: my new teacher gave me the benefit of the doubt and let me turn in assignments that she'd given grades on, even though I was the only student who couldn't get to school because of the weather yesterday.

I are totally exhausted now and going to pass out now.